Saturday, 30 April 2011

New gigs ahoy! But first an election...

You will notice from my gigs list that I have added many more upcoming events, in Glasgow, Edinburgh, London and beyond. I reproduce the first of these below:

Monday 2 May, 8pm
The 13th Note, 50-60 King Street, Glasgow G1 5QT
INITIAL ITCH Election Special
Although not quite a candidate this time round (having been selected and then withdrawn to spend more time writing), I will be flying the flag for the Liberal Democrats at Glasgow's most creative and best performed political hustings.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Fun(d) Raising

Tonight, I will be adopting the role of quiz master, song leader and general entertainer. And I'm not even going to be paid for it. It's in a good cause (if you want me to explain why I think it's a good cause, you know how to get in touch). The event is on Facebook.

If anyone fancies paying me for doing similar in a bad cause...

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Dickie Clifford sings!

Tomorrow (Friday) night, my burlesque alter ego Dickie Clifford will be performing at Scarlett Fever's The Wedding Of The Year - The Marriage of Crime and Commerce at Ivory Blacks, Oswald Street (doors open 7.30pm). Tickets are £8 in advance (from me or Tickets Scotland) or £10 at the door.

Model for hire

Today is your last chance to see a wall of naked me. Yes, I have made a literal exhibition of myself, viewable at the Newbery Tower Gallery, 164 Renfrew Street, from 9.30am to 5pm. This is an exhibition for adult students (continuing education) at the Glasgow School of Art, for whom I work as a life model. I am happy to model for other artists or groups, if anyone wants to hire me.